
Amaia Montero & Mikel Erentxun - Lau Teilatu (Video Oficial)

Here a song in basque by Itoiz which has been versioned by, between others, Mikel Erentxun and Amaia Montero.
M.Eretxun and A.Montero are basque artista more famous in their spanish language songs, but it is maybe then nicer to listen them in that versión.
It is about the time as it pass away, and on it, how two friends meet again under the moon.

Lau teilatu

Hemen gaude
 ta poztutzen naiz
 ta ziur zure aita ere bai;
 ta zer ondo... zelan dijua
 zure bufanda txuria.
Lau teilatu gainian
 ilargia erdian eta zu
 goruntz begira,
 zure keia eskuetan
 putzara batekin... putz!
 Neregana etorriko da
 ta berriz izango gara
 edozein herriko jaixetan.
Goxo goxo
 kanta egin nazu
 Benitoren Maria Solt.
 Negarrik ez,
 txuri zaude ta malkoak
 zure kolorea kentzen dute.
Lau teilatu gainian...
Felix, Felix bihar
 berriz egongo gara
 txanpain apur batekin;
 diru gabe baina
 izarrak gurekin daude,
 piano baten soinuaz.
Lau teilatu gainian...

Four roofs

Here we are
 and I'm glad about that
 and I'm sure that your father is too
 It is wonderful, how your white scarf is
Over four roofs
 the moon in the middle
 and you are looking up
 your smoke in your hands
 will come towards me
 blowing with a puff
 And we will be happy again
 in the festivals of some village
Sing to me, sweetly
 Benito's song "Maria Solt"
 Don't cry
 your face is pale and the tears
 take your color away
Over four roofs...
With joy, tomorrow
 we'll be back again
 with a little bit of champagne
 we have no money, but
 the stars are with us
 along with the sound of a piano
Over four roofs...

The Basque Country – patience and determination

From the www.transconflict.com website Driving a peace process forward requires staying patient and determined. What has been achieved seemed unthinkable a few years ago, so it is now also possible to overcome the challenges faced by Basque society to consolidate coexistence. By Lokarri More than eighteen months have gone by since ETA announced the end of its violent actions. Indeed, a large part of Basque society wanted a new phase to open up in which all stakeholders could take steps to consolidate harmonious coexistence. A look at recent opinion polls backs up this perception. A very large majority of citizens want an end without winners or losers, the disarmament of ETA and changes to prison policy. In contrast, apart from the legalisation of Sortu and significant gestures of recognition and respect for the ‘other’, such as the Glencree initiative or joint activities in Errenteria, very little progress has been made. In this context, and particularly from the Abertzale Left, voices of impatience and concern are being heard. From a human point of view, this reaction is understandable because in the area of prison policy, one that evokes strong emotions, no changes have occurred. It is not unusual to witness conversations in which people from that public sector express their doubts about the potential of the new strategy they have undertaken, based on exclusively political and democratic channels, given the lack of progress. Those who express these doubts forget that ETA practised unjust violence for many years without achieving any result and, nevertheless, causing much pain. Recently, a number of representatives of social organisations had the opportunity to meet Harold Good, an independent witness of the IRA disarmament process. One of the persons present expressed this concern, reminding the audience that only 18 months went by between the Good Friday Agreement and the start of the process to reintegrate prisoners. Good pointed out that, in reality, more than four years went by from the time that the IRA and other organisations declared a ceasefire until this reintegration occurred. Aaro Suonio, an expert in disarmament processes, used similar language in the recent Social Forum to drive the peace process forward. He pointed out that whenever major steps forward take place, like the end of violence by ETA and the legalization of Sortu, peace processes enter a certain phase of stagnation until the next steps are prepared. This is possibly the situation in which Basque society is now. In no event can this justify a lack of action. The last planned attack by ETA was four years ago. Since then, the situation is undoubtedly better than it was in 2009. What has to be done is to take advantage of this great opportunity, and to do so we need to maintain our patience and determination. That is precisely what is lacking amongst the political parties, locked in sterile debates. It is notable that the election campaign in 2012 was less tense than the present situation, when there are still two years until the next elections. Driving a peace process forward requires staying patient and determined. What has been achieved seemed unthinkable a few years ago, so it is now also possible to overcome the challenges faced by Basque society to consolidate coexistence. Everyone should do everything that is within their reach. Lokarri, and initiatives such as the Social Forum, will try to contribute creative and imaginative ideas to open-up new ways of advancing and bringing about a situation in which everybody – ETA, governments, institutions, political parties and civil society – can contribute to the collective task and achieve the peace our older generation deserves, and one that we will pass on to the coming generations. Lokarri is a citizens’ network that works for peace, consensus, consultation and reconciliation. To learn more about their work, please click here. Annex – Meaningful Recommendations The Recommendations by the Social Forum to drive the peace process forward have received important support. On the day they were presented, Andy Carl, executive director of Conciliation Resources and rapporteur of the Social Forum, emphasised that the participation of society is essential in conflict resolution. Furthermore, former Irish Premier, Bertie Ahern, sent a letter to the organisers stating that the recommendations are not an imposition or an exact model, “rather as a series of reasoned suggestions, based on many diverse experiences around the world, on how the inevitably difficult issues arising from violence and its ending can be addressed.” The letter also emphasises that it is now up to the citizens and their elected representatives to “determine how these challenges can best be met in this new time of possibility for them and their society.” Picking up this proposal, the organisers of the Social Forum set up a series of ‘Open Spaces’ in Pamplona-Iruña and Bilbao. In these meetings over a hundred anonymous citizens, social stakeholders, and political and trade union representatives shared and compared their opinion on achieving basic consensuses, dismantling of structures and disarmament, integration of prisoners and people on the run, and promoting and safeguarding human rights. The opinions expressed and the ideas that emerged in Bilbao and Pamplona-Iruña are helpful and an incentive to continue driving the peace process forward. Recommendations in the Parliaments On an institutional level, the Recommendations have been sent to the Parliaments of the Basque Country and Navarre, and also to the British Parliament (House of Commons).

Un any de l’escola Jordi Pere Cerdà a l’Alta Cerdanya

De tots es sabut la precarietat i la manca de recursos en què l’ensenyament del català es troba a la Catalunya del Nord. Si una noticia dolenta fou el tancament de l’escola de la xarxa de la Bressola de Càldegues, cal felicitar-nos pel fet que fa un any es va inaugurar a Sallagosa, a l’Alta Cerdanya l’escola Jordi Pere Cerdà. L'escola de Càldegues feia onze anys que treballava en favor de l’ensenyament del català però les retallades en els ajuts, especialment per part de la Generalitat, varen dur a la Bressola a la difícil decisió de tancar l’escola. Aleshores l’Associació Catalana Multilingüe Jordi Pere Cerdà va agafar el relleu i va aconseguir que l’ajuntament de Sallagosa els cedís uns locals per iniciar el curs al setembre del 2012. Actualment compta amb vint alumnes i els impulsors voldrien àdhuc posar una escola a la vall del Carol i a la zona de Montlluís en un futur si aquesta primera escola es consolida. Per consolidar-se, caldrà superar financerament aquests primers cinc anys que el ministeri d’educació francès no finança les despeses de professorat i per la qual cosa s’ha obert un compte per ajudar a l’escola. Cal destacar que l’escola és una experiència que compta amb alumnes de les dues Cerdanyes. Des d'aquí felicitar i seguir encoratjant els pares, promotors i mestres de l'escola Jordi Pere Cerdà! extret de la nostra col·laboració al blog Llengües Vives

Gure Esku Dago BideoKlipa

Per tal d' estendre el suport popular per dur a terme el dret a decidir del poble basc, en un sentit semblant al de les consultes que es feren a Catalunya i mirant al referéndum escocès del 2014,  s'ha llançat una campanya a nivel de barris i pobles.
Portem aquí el vídeo, extraordinari, amb lletra de l'escriptor Kirmen Uribe i música de Kepa Junkera.
Desitjar a la campanya el millor, que prengui aquest futur que és a les mans dels vascos clicant el símbol dels subtitols teniu la versió en català