Ens ha arribat aquest llibre, "The Phenomenon of Welshness" on el vell amic Sion T.Jobbins desplega tot els eu enginy per deleitar-nos amb com és el País de Gal.les actual i com s'ha anat formant de forma simbòlica i social.
Fa esment així en diferents capítols sobre aspectes de la vida cultural gal.lesa, especialment del darrer segle, dels àmbits lingüístics, socials, polític i potser especialment de mentalitat i simbòlics.
És un excel.lent llibre, del tot recomanable.
(a sota hi trobareu unes cites del llibre)
Just received the book "The Phenomenon of Welshness", where the author, Sion T.Jobbins explains in diferent chapters aspects of the social, cultural, linguistic and political life and reality of his nation, Wales/Cymru, and how they have been built up during decades.
It is a very instructive book, as well as funny, as the author mix a fine irony with cleverness in order to write down thoughts that,maybe shared for more people, but that nobody has write down in this clear manner.
An excellent book.
From the book:
about Santes Dwynwen (...the celebration of St Dwynwen as opposed to St Valentine marks the great split in Welsh society:...It's the split between Welsh and mainstream Anglo-american culture. it's the difference between Sali Mali and Mickey Mouse;the Urdd and the Scouts, Disc a dawn and Top of the Pops, even Plaid Cymru and Labour."
about 2036: "May I suggest that on the 500th anniversary of the Acts of Union we set ourselves a target to totally erase from our forehead the dent caused by 500 years of the pointed finger which says "Taffy, know your place"?
May I suggest that we make Wales a proper nation and a nation where a majority of people can once again speak Welsh?
Then we won't just be "Yma o Hyd", but singing a new song.