
Amaia Montero & Mikel Erentxun - Lau Teilatu (Video Oficial)

Here a song in basque by Itoiz which has been versioned by, between others, Mikel Erentxun and Amaia Montero.
M.Eretxun and A.Montero are basque artista more famous in their spanish language songs, but it is maybe then nicer to listen them in that versión.
It is about the time as it pass away, and on it, how two friends meet again under the moon.

Lau teilatu

Hemen gaude
 ta poztutzen naiz
 ta ziur zure aita ere bai;
 ta zer ondo... zelan dijua
 zure bufanda txuria.
Lau teilatu gainian
 ilargia erdian eta zu
 goruntz begira,
 zure keia eskuetan
 putzara batekin... putz!
 Neregana etorriko da
 ta berriz izango gara
 edozein herriko jaixetan.
Goxo goxo
 kanta egin nazu
 Benitoren Maria Solt.
 Negarrik ez,
 txuri zaude ta malkoak
 zure kolorea kentzen dute.
Lau teilatu gainian...
Felix, Felix bihar
 berriz egongo gara
 txanpain apur batekin;
 diru gabe baina
 izarrak gurekin daude,
 piano baten soinuaz.
Lau teilatu gainian...

Four roofs

Here we are
 and I'm glad about that
 and I'm sure that your father is too
 It is wonderful, how your white scarf is
Over four roofs
 the moon in the middle
 and you are looking up
 your smoke in your hands
 will come towards me
 blowing with a puff
 And we will be happy again
 in the festivals of some village
Sing to me, sweetly
 Benito's song "Maria Solt"
 Don't cry
 your face is pale and the tears
 take your color away
Over four roofs...
With joy, tomorrow
 we'll be back again
 with a little bit of champagne
 we have no money, but
 the stars are with us
 along with the sound of a piano
Over four roofs...

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