
Catalan process in the welsh BBC

Thanks to the people from the blog "Syniadau" we are able to place here the video about the catalán people's viwes about the political process going on in Catalonia.
This video was filmed in Girona, norteast of Catalonia, and there appears, between others, our friend Maite, a catalán that is a welsh speaker.
Enjoy the video!!!



El procés català ha tingut la seva aparició a la BBC en llengua gal.lesa. Gràcies als companys de Syniadau, el blog sobiranista gal.lès, us deixem el link de la noticia, on surten entrevistes a Girona, entre elles la de la Maite, companya gal.lesoparlant.
malauradament no tenim subtitles encara!!!!


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