
Gaelic-medium schools make its way through the scottish landscape

Few weeks ago the gaelic-medium school in Edinburgh, Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pairce, the capital of Scotland, has open its doors with more tan 200 students and 30 strong gaelic speaking staff. It takes the place of an education unit that was established untill now in the capital and starts its clases in a new building. It has been anounced also that next year will open its doors the new gaelic-medium school in Caithness, the far north of Scotland. , in the Highlands. As the number of gaelic speakers in Scotland/Alba is declining in a 1,2% in the last 10 years but the number of Young people speaking it has increase a bit, we can celebrate these two news and to wish good luck for these 2 initiatives!!! S'ha inaugurat aquest curs la primera escola totalment en gaèlic de la capital d'Escòcia, amb 231 alumnes i 30 membres de l'staff gaèlico-parlants. Ve a susbtituir una unitat educativa que hi havia en una escola a la capital, ara estrenant també instal.lacions. També s'ha anuniciat per l'any vinent l'obertura a l'extrem nord, Caithness, d'una altra escola en gaèlic. Com la llengua disminueix parlants en total (1,2% en deu anys) però puja nombre de joves minímamnet, es de felicitar-se i desitjar molta sort a ambdós projectes.

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