
New book by Sion Jobbins, The Phenomenon of Welshness II

Sion Jobbins, the original and so witty autor of social and politic books about his homeland, Wales (Cymru) has published a book in his own series of articles appeared previously in some publications (as Cambria magazine) where he write. For non-welsh people, his books are a very interesting reading of in-depth thoughts about the real Wales/Cymru, its identity and the real feelings of its inhabitants. For a welsh reader itself, it can bring ideas or information tan they has not realise untill now. It is a so entertaining book, full of analysis, irony (so important when talking about small nations) and honesty. Chwarae teg Sion!!!

1 comentari:

  1. Diolch Albert!

    If you would like to buy a copy of this book, which includes an articles about Scotland; the economic benefits of a state using its own language; radical Welsh movements and on the closing of the Basque daily, Egunkaria and more, follow this link: http://www.carreg-gwalch.com/product/phenomenon_of_welshness_2_the/

    Siôn Jobbins
